Harvey High School — School in Harvey Station Harvey

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Harvey High School

School at 2055 NB-3, Harvey Station, NB E6K 2P4, Canada, Harvey Station Harvey, New Brunswick, E6K 2P4 . Here you will find detailed information about Harvey High School: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 4 reviews


New Brunswick
2055 NB-3, Harvey Station, NB E6K 2P4, Canada, Harvey Station Harvey, New Brunswick, E6K 2P4
Harvey Station Harvey
E6K 2P4

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About Harvey High School

Harvey High School is a UK School based in Harvey Station Harvey, New Brunswick. Harvey High School is located at 2055 NB-3, Harvey Station, NB E6K 2P4, Canada,

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Reviews of Harvey High School

  • Added 2015.09.17
    This school is aids. sos
  • Gabriel
    Added 2015.07.14
    Listen, no school is perfect, no school is necessarily "great" or "bad". The comment made by justinater8809 is his opinion, however, not really the whole truth or real facts. The school is probably one of few more a little "abnormal" rural schools that you could find in New Brunswick. It has a decent sized gym, plenty of classrooms, computer labs, shops, you get the jist of it. However, I will say if you come to this school with a polite stature, respect and manners and act like quite a decent person then you'll receive respect and attention back like any other school or place you may go to. One thing I will truthfully say about this school and what should be noted, if you come to the school during the normal school day prepare to have a bucket full of facepalms ready. Why you might ask? I'll tell you why, there's a bit of a small percentage of the student base here at the school that, well, don't really take kindly to when they don't get their way. You'll often hear about students having tantrums or walking out of the class and slamming doors because, for example (and happens more than you think) they're told to please be quiet and to do their work instead of not doing their work and talking about things irrelevant. Many of this percentage also do things mostly stupid without thinking of any consequences. And I will 100% bet this is not the only school that would have a problem like this, however it is to be noted when coming here. Should it be a reason to not come here? No, absolutely not. The staff here are completely normal everyday people. However if they don't let you do something because they have to follow certain guidelines or rules to uphold their job then don't blame them, it's what they have to do. One major "debate" here that I should bring up at this school is about a new electronic sign which was placed at the end of the school's driveway sometime last year. It was very kindly donated to the school by the Home and School Association. The whole "debate" about this sign is the fact that most believe that the school spent the money donated by the association on the sign "worthlessly", however it's not quite the truth, yes the HSA donated money for it but it was the HSA who put the money also towards the sign so the school practically had no part in spending the money. Speaking of money, I will say this school could use some more of it. Even though the school has been receiving new technology throughout the recent years it could use some more money for many obvious structural and representational upgrades. The school was built a long time ago and visually has not kept up at all with current trends or anything to look any more appealing. Most would say, it's at the school's fault for not doing anything, however really it's the district's fault since they're for the most part in control of stuff like that. Other than that, this school is a pretty decently sized rural school with at least 450-500 attending students. The classes usually have 20-25 students per class and grades as a whole about 35-40 students. There are a decent amount of choices for classes when you reach grade 11-12. Finding co-op in grade 12 here is extremely easy since at FHS for example only a small percentage of people would be accepted into the co-op program, here, there's exactly no wait list. Only some what down side to co-op here is for certain placements you're going to have to travel. The school's sports title is called the "Harvey Lakers". Not to be biased or anything but for basketball specifically this school kicks ass all the time. Both boys and girls senior teams have either made it to harbour station or have won harbour station tournaments plenty of times. I will even say it's even a pretty decent place for people with disabilities, deficiencies, etc. The school has pretty good staff trained to assist with people who may have irregularities like that. So this school isn't necessarily a bad place to go to if you desire a smaller school and a smaller class where you're able to meet and know practically everyone.
  • Angel
    Added 2014.12.03
    This is an absolutely horrible school. Teachers are mostly locals who rule in favor of students who's family's name carry throughout the community. Teachers and Staff are amateurs who are very unfriendly and unprofessional. I wouldn't recommend this school to anyone who's family isn't rich. Unless your family has been inbreeding for several generations in Harvey, your child has little to no opportunity at success.
  • Sebastian
    Added 2014.10.09
    Very nice school!
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